#TestFlix - Nov - 2020 Binge-watch.
I really want to thank/congratulate all the speakers, especially the speakers who did this for the first time. It's really great that you guys shared the platform with TestingGuru's/Legends.
Though I missed the beginning due to technical glitches at my end, I am sure it would have been a fabulous beginning with #AshokThiruvengadam. Once I started watching TestFlix momentum continued till the last session it's by #AjayBalamurugadas. I planned to binge-watch the entire #TestFlix season however, I could not watch as my daughter came around 4:30 AM wondering what I am doing. I had to take a couple of hours break to continue...
Though '8' minutes look easy, people who binge-watched defiantly agree with me it's defiantly challenging to demonstrate the concept in 8 minutes. I am sure The Test Tribe community would have spent many hours conducting such a big event, just for the community.
Thank you again for the wonderful event, looking forward to similar events in the future. I will take TheTestTribe community help to become a speaker in the next event.