Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mysterious Bug – Miracle Fix

Synopsys: Search functionality is not working in Prod Environment in one of the Key Module.

If something is not working in Prod obviously these questions will arise…

                      -> Did we miss in UAT?

                      -> Did we miss in QA?

Fortunately it was working fine in both of the environments with the same test data but in Prod it’s not.

Though it’s not show stopper, we would not be able to do sign off on Prod smoke test. The only option available to us is let business know this is known issue; team is working on to fix ASAP. As we could not figure out why it’s happening we did conditional sign off.

After doing conditional signoff we are all banging our heads…the time is 1:00 AM in the morning...we started our release process 5:00 PM in the evening…still all of us in the call …trying to find out the root cause ….after 10 minutes …one of our BA said he saw the similar kind of issue in UAT issues tracking list but he was unable to repro next day. We all prayed that the same magic will happen in production…fortunately it happened…Even today we did not know what is the reason for that issue??

Happy Testing!!!