Showing posts with label Weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weapons. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Excel Tip for Removing blank cells

Excel Tip for Removing blank cells

    Select the 'Cell' where we need to remove the blank cell.

    Press the F5, shortcut to Open Go To Popup.


   Click on Special -> Select  Blanks Radio button -> OK

   Ctrl- (minus) Delete Pop up , select Entire Row. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


If you ever come across a situation wherein you have to quickly modify the list of things in the SQL query...probably either you would have copied that text into excel added some formula to get the desired format. Instead, we can use this little trick in the SQL Query window itself...

   Hold ALT and mouse left will notice vertical line '|' each string like below after that we can add the same character before or after the vertical line.

Hope it helps

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Microsoft Office OneNote

Usually while logging bugs or uploading test results most of us follow
· Attaching the screen shot
· Attaching the log file (if possible)
· Attaching the error message (text displayed in the page)

We might of facing some problem with providing the complete text of error message , because few application's will not provide any option to copy the error text to clip board. If error message contains one or two lines we can read and write the exact message in bug description. It would be very difficult to write the error message if it contains more than 5 or 10 lines.

Microsoft Office OneNote is providing a cool feature 'Copy Text from Picture’, which allow us to copy the entire text
How to Do this:
Copy & Paste the image into OneNote.
Right click on the image and click on 'Copy Text from Picture'
Paste in OneNote.
You have the entire error message ready which eases developer work also.
Currently it supporting to copy the English text only.
If you are not using ‘Microsoft Office OneNote' not a problem, Google or Bing for 'optical character reader open source tools'.

Happy Testing.