Sunday, August 16, 2020

Scrum Master


 Few months back I had nominated 'Scrum Master' training , after two days of intensive training successfully cleared the scrum master exam. During the training we were told that this training enables us how to use the Scrum doesn't provide any short cuts. Also needed lot's of disciplined practice to implement and follow. As part of the training we were provided some resources and material to read. Started with book 'SCRUM The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time' Jeff Sutherland. Surprisingly the book talks about the core SCRUM at end in very few pages but rest of the book author narrates how author observed the various industry projects and how those experiences can be utilized in a structured way in software development projects. More importantly he narrates how 'Servant Leadership' should work and how it fits into the Scrum world. Probably I might have to read this book several times to understand the 'Servant Leadership' style deeply.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

TRIBALQONF2020 - June27-28

              Though I posted my experience on linked in about  #TRIBALQONF2020 right after the conference, I thought of putting story behind how I attended somehow I could not write initially. So here I am writing again it might help me to retrospect myself. I always very curious about all these conferences why they would do that...somehow I felt all these are for marketing their products. But I am not true, they are many conferences being conducted just for community. "The Test Tribe" community falls into this category...I would have missed this opportunity if I did not get direct message from 'Ajay Balamurgudas' ,as I know Ajay from the the #weekendtesting initiative started many years ago, I said I will check and inform. As always busy with my day to day work I could not book the tickets, Ajay kept following with me. Then I looked TRIBALQONF2020 website and felt it would be beneficial for my team as well. Before buying tickets (my own money) I want to see who are enthusiastic to attend. Surprisingly with team size of 20 I got responses from four associates only, so I purchased 5 tickets including myself.

        Below is the rest of the story which posted on LinkedIn

It's been a while attended testing conferences....
#TRIBALQONF2020 wonderful conference attended last week....though timings are odd, speakers and topics kept me engaged throughout the conferences.
I have been following several speakers since beginning of my's great opportunity to learn,interact with fun.

Trello board with book suggestions: Book Suggestions

(You may want to register to view these recordings)

Friday, August 7, 2020

Buddha In Testing


                 I came across this book 'Buddha In Testing' recently through my linked in this book written by Pradeep Soundarajan, decide to buy and read on

First impression, usually when I buy any book I quickly glimpse through pages to see book is proper....noticed so many pages with sensational quotes then I started reading book. Though the book has close to 130 pages I took couple of weeks to finish the reading. I would say 'Buddha In Testing' is autobiography of  'Serious' Testing professional. Being software testing professional I was able to correlate most of the things mentioned in that book. I believe the key message Pradeep conveying is rather than getting stuck whatever happened being Software Testing Professional...find a way to get inner piece to move on. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020


        During the covid-19 lock down period have attended ISTQB Advanced Test Manager online classes conducted by Madhumurty Ronanki ( Though I have no intention to take exam, have attended to unlearn so that I can learn some new things. Below were the topics discussed, I have been implementing few of them as part of my day to day work and planning to implement new things which I learned as part of this course.

It's completely free and below is the link for all 24 sessions.
Playlist link: ISTQB-TM

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Grandma's Bag of Stories

              My daughter is 6 years old now...she loves stories especially bedtime stories, now that we are 21'st century with all TECH around I mean we have google mini at our home tells decent stories some times stories are repeated that's OK. After hearing those stories from google mini my memory went back to my childhood days wherein my grandmother used to tell stories. One day my daughter asked me to tell a story, though I have something on my mind I could not tell the story in an interesting way...then I looked at various sources...found SudhaMurthy books. There are a lot of books written by her, however, I started with  'Grandma's Bag of Stories' I read all 21 stories in that book those stories backdrop came from Bangalore, Karnataka and I could easily correlate with the surroundings I am aware. I am very happy😊 that I could tell some nice bedtime stories to my daughter and even makes me happier when I ask my daughter Did I tell this story? she says oho yaa I remember that Dad you told this story the other day.

Nowadays we can read books in various formats, but still, I would like to read the books in old school holding the real book...below is the amazon link

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mysterious Bug – Miracle Fix

Synopsys: Search functionality is not working in Prod Environment in one of the Key Module.

If something is not working in Prod obviously these questions will arise…

                      -> Did we miss in UAT?

                      -> Did we miss in QA?

Fortunately it was working fine in both of the environments with the same test data but in Prod it’s not.

Though it’s not show stopper, we would not be able to do sign off on Prod smoke test. The only option available to us is let business know this is known issue; team is working on to fix ASAP. As we could not figure out why it’s happening we did conditional sign off.

After doing conditional signoff we are all banging our heads…the time is 1:00 AM in the morning...we started our release process 5:00 PM in the evening…still all of us in the call …trying to find out the root cause ….after 10 minutes …one of our BA said he saw the similar kind of issue in UAT issues tracking list but he was unable to repro next day. We all prayed that the same magic will happen in production…fortunately it happened…Even today we did not know what is the reason for that issue??

Happy Testing!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Search – Google is Born

Google is Born:

Larry Page always wanted to be an inventor. When he was twelve Page read a biography of Nikola Tesla, one of history’s most prodigious inventor. The twelve year old Page was struck by fact: regardless of how brilliant and world-changing Tesla’s work had been, the inventor received little long-term fame or fortune for his efforts. Page tells it’s very sad story. I realized Tesla was the greatest inventor, but he did not accomplish as much as he should have. I realized I wanted to invent things, but I also wanted to change the world. I wanted to invent things, but I also wanted to change the world. I wanted to get them out there, get them into people’s hands so they can use them, because that’s what really matters.

At Stanford University’s:

Students don’t come to Stanford just for the training. They come for the dream: to start a company, grow rich, make their mark on the history of technology, and maybe change the world. This is the university, after all, that spawned Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Graphics, Yahoo, and Excite, to name just few. The two others working with Page and Brin were Scott Hassan and Alan Stromberg, graduate assistants who had been assigned to the project. Hassan and Steremberg ended up separating from the project before Google really took off. But even those missing Beatles started successful internet companies. Hassan went on to found with Lary’s brother ,Carl Page , and later sold to Yahoo for more than $500 million. Steremberg had already launched The Weather Underground, a popular weather site, while an undergraduate at Michigan.

Citation analysis:

It is the examination of the frequency, patterns and graphs of citations in articles and books. Inspired by citation analysis, Page theorized that a raw count of links to as page would be a useful guide to that page’s rank. He also theorized that each link needed its own ranking, based on the link count of it’s originating page. But such an approach creates a difficult and recursive mathematical challenge – you not only have to count a particular page’s links, you also have to count the links attached to the links. Very quickly, the math gets rather complicated.