A11Y - Usable by everyone with or without disabilities. Recently I did MOB learning on accessibility testing with Rahul, Apoorva, and Pallavi. We have recorded our learnings and my study notes.
Accessibility Testing: A11Y
I recently read '12 Mindless Habits Thar Are Secretly Exhausting You.' by 'Krissy Brady', summarized my reading in mindmaps. The three habits start with 'W.' more apt in today's times...if you are interested in deep dive, follow below bit.ly
I have done the CP-WSR since then I want to capture the learnings in the mind map for reference. Recently I was able to review and come with my notes as a mind map.
I am not sure when/how I downloaded this book, recently read this 'Life Is Beautiful' book, it's small book but interesting. Author nicely organized how she got inspired from different personalities and more importantly provided references to the books on those personalities, that would be the reason I would have downloaded the this book. Prepared notes in mind map so that I can plan to read the books.
Few weeks back I got an opportunity to had conversation with skygrid leadership, I was really excited about the products and the work they do in airspace system built on AI and blockchain. To make engaged conversations I spent some time exploring the product as a consumer. With that excitement prepared below feature map...
Last week I listened to the story 'KOBE BRYANT The MAMBA MENTALITY in StoryShots, people familiar with US basketball or NBA defiantly know who is KOBE. I have listened to the entire one-hour podcast in StoryShots a couple of times felt like it's good to put it in a mindmap.
Responsive Web Design? Any unique test strategy to be followed for Responsive Web Design Testing? I got these questions when I heard about RWD, result of my homework is below the mindmap.
HTTP Status Codes? If we ever worked on an application which implemented on APIs or Webservices or Microservices not only knows HTTP Status Codes, might aware of few status codes like 200 or 401 or 500 likewise I am also familiar with these codes. A recent conversation with one of my colleague on these HTTP statuses Codes triggered me to explore various types of status codes and got curious why we are validating few status codes as part of testing. Before deep-diving into the rest of the HTTP status codes implementation, I thought of knowing available status codes that resulted below the mindmap.
What next? Explore how other status codes being implemented.
ETL Testing...we all know its full form is Extract Transform Load. Unlike traditional testing or backend/database testing ETL testing to be done with a different test approach. Though I have done combination backend, database and ETL testing in past I did not deep dive into ETL testing until I was asked to explain how I would do ETL testing. Since then I am spending time unlearn-learn...came across the site Datagaps...though there are many sources to learn have started going through this site and taking notes. Made an attempt to represent the notes in mind-map for easy reference.
Recently I came across a situation where I need to find whether a particular column has an integer value or varchar...there could be many ways to find the outcome however found the below query which is very simple.
Let us say we have a table called EMPLOYEE and ID is a varchar column, I need to find records which as integer or char.
WHERE ID LIKE '%[^0-9]%' -- Looks for 0-9
OR ID LIKE '_%-%' -- Looks for the '-' other than 1st position.
If you ever come across a situation wherein you have to quickly modify the list of things in the SQL query...probably either you would have copied that text into excel added some formula to get the desired format. Instead, we can use this little trick in the SQL Query window itself...
Hold ALT and mouse left click...you will notice vertical line '|' each string like below after that we can add the same character before or after the vertical line.
Hope it helps